How to Turn Prospect Objections into Positive Outcomes


Most potential clients come knocking on your door because they know they could benefit from having a coach, consultant, or other types of assistance. However, even though they may have actively sought your services, the deal is far from done. During your initial consultations, you must persuade your prospect that engaging in a long-term relationship with a coach will be positive and fruitful. Along the way, you will typically encounter a series of objections. These can make or break the deal. However, in reality, the objections that prospects raise are nothing more than stumbling blocks that you can easily overcome if you are prepared for them and can respond professionally and convincingly.

Let’s take a look at some of the objections that frequently arise.

1. Objection: “I don’t have time.”

Possible Responses:

  • “This, in itself, highlights why coaching could be beneficial for you. What daily tasks are consuming your time? Let me help you identify how to reduce your burden, so you have more free time.”

  • “With such a busy schedule, your stress load is bound to become unhealthy. Coaching services can help you to achieve a better work-life balance.”

  • “That’s something you could benefit from by addressing it now. I’m here to help eliminate some of the stress you’re experiencing. Believe it or not, my top clients are those who don’t have time for me because they are the people who get the best long-term results.”

  • “Fantastic! That’s an excellent place for us to start. Let’s focus on getting you ahead of your busy schedule as our first task.”


2. Objection: “I can’t afford your services.”
Possible Responses:

  • “It’s a matter of understanding what you want and need. My services are not an expense; they are an investment. What’s your goal for the success you want? What price can you put on that?”

  • “If you feel coaching services are beyond your financial reach, that exemplifies why you would benefit from a coach. It would help if you took back control of your life, starting with creating a healthy financial scaffold. I can help you to achieve that.”

  • “Excellent! Let’s start identifying how you can better manage your financial reserves.”

  • “I understand. I would be willing to provide a discounted rate to you for the first 90 days. What rate do you feel is affordable? I am confident my services can help you get on the track to success. Once you have achieved some primary goals and feel more financially stable, we can renegotiate.”


3. Objection: “I don’t know where to start. I don’t know how to use a coach.”
Possible Responses:

  • “Feelings of apprehension are completely normal. That’s where we start: Figuring out your goals!”

  • “Let’s take it one small step at a time. Can you list three major challenges you are currently facing?”

  • “Let’s break things down into manageable chunks. Let’s start by listing the things in your life that you feel are wearing you down right now.”

  • “You’re feeling overwhelmed. That’s completely understandable. That’s where I can help. Let’s manage this process together and get your life on track.”


4. Objection: “I don’t think a coach can help/be effective/is worth it.”
Possible Responses:

  • “Why do you feel that way?”

  • “Do you feel overwhelmed by the idea of having a coach?”

  • “Have you ever worked with a coach before?”

  • “Can you explain what part of this relationship makes you uneasy?”


5. Objection: “I already have a support network.”
Possible Responses:

  • “What aspects of your life are not going according to plan? Is your network/mentor/counselor helping you with these?”

  • “Do you have a specific goal in mind that you think deserves immediate, dedicated attention that is not being addressed by the people supporting you?”

  • “That’s great to hear! What does he/she help you with?” (Note: You’ll want to listen to your prospect and try to pinpoint what you can offer that is different than what they are currently receiving).



If a prospect initiates a conversation with you about your coaching services, you are only partway toward securing the business. During the early stages of your relationships with them, you need to say the right things at the right time to convince them that you can have a beneficial impact on their lives.

Even if you don’t offer coaching services, you can still use the possible responses listed above as guides in responding to your clients or customers.

Many prospects will throw barriers in the way and raise objections to justify why they don’t need your services.

Turn these objections to your advantage. Review the above examples and consider how you can respond. The better you handle objections, the more clients you will secure.


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